Recognize Angles & Use a Protractor
Measuring Angles
4.MD.C.5.a and 2 more
Add & Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
Add and Subtract Fractions
4.NF.B.3.a and 1 more
Multiplying a Fraction by a Whole Number
Multiply a Fraction and a Number
4.NF.B.4.a and 1 more
Decimals and Fractions with Denominators of 10 or 100
Introducing Decimals
Using Fractional Line Plots
Fractional Line Plots
Intro to Factors and Multiples
Factors and Multiples
Converting and Comparing Fractions
Comparing Fractions
Writing and Comparing Numbers
Write and Compare Large Numbers
What is rounding? Multi-Digit Numbers
Round Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
Introduction to Equivalent Fractions
Explain Equivalent Fractions
Intro to Adding Large Numbers
Add and Subtract Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
Multiplicative Comparisons
Multiplicative Comparisons
Solve Comparison Word Problems
Multiply with Word Problems
Additive Angles / Unknown Angles
Additive Angles
Place Value Multiples of Ten
Place Value and Division
Dividing a 4-Digit Dividend by a 1-Digit Divisor
Find Whole Number Quotients
Intro to Generating Patterns
Number and Shape Patterns
Intro to Prime and Composite Numbers
Prime and Composite Numbers
Multiplication Equations as Comparisons
Multiplicative Comparisons
Problems With Customary & Metric Measurements
Measurement Word Problems
Whole numbers are easy, fractions are what separate the true mathematicians from the beginners. (This is not true, but hopefully your fourth graders feel that way).
In fourth grade, students will build on the multiplication and division skills mastered in the previous year to solve more complex problems using a variety of strategies. Pattern recognition is emphasized and place value is revisited. Students can now fluently add and subtract large numbers, compare fractions and decimals, and begin applying operations to those numbers. Various units of measurement are explored and angles and lines serve as the primary themes for most geometry work.
Enjoy this sampling of instructional videos, games, and activities for your 4th grade classroom!
Some of the skills students will master in eSpark include:
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Number and Operations Fractions
Measurement and Data
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